Modern interior decorating ideas help create inviting and cozy room corners for reading, knitting, listening music or just relaxing. Efficient and stylish lighting, attractive and comfortable furniture and decor accessories, light and warm colors create pleasant spots for enjoying your favorite activities.
A comfortable chair, lounge chair or a small sofa, a lighting fixture and soft throw with pillows, a small table or an a ottoman and storage containers or baskets, wall shelves or decorations are all you need for creating a cozy room corner that will make your interior decorating or home staging feel warm, friendly and welcoming.
25 modern interior decorating ideas will help select certain elements and colors, furniture and decor accessories in the style which is the best for your lifestyle and mood you want to achieve.
Here are simple and easy to follow tips for creating a beautiful and comfortable room corner for reading, enjoying needle crafts or listening music and relaxing.
Any room, – living room and teenage bedroom, den and family room, home office and master bedroom, stair rest and hallway – can benefit from a cozy, attractive and warm corner decorating.
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Living room sofa ad chairs, modern furniture design trends
Interior decorating tips for creating a cozy room corner
1. Select neutral, light and warm color for your walls. Fresh coat of paint will dramatically transform the way your interior decorating looks and feels. Wood and brick are natural materials that add unique textures and more interest to room corner decorating ideas.
2. Get rid of draperies, or use inexpensive light window curtains on simple pole rods with classy finials.
Cozy window seat design inspiration
Feng Shui for home office and study area in room corner
3. Bring a comfortable chair and add soft throw and pillows, an ottoman or foot rest ad a side table, which is convenient to place your book and cup of tea or coffee on while you enjoy your favorite activity.
Small home library designs, bookshelves for decorating small spaces
Modern interior decorating and home staging trends
4. Add an ottoman, a small table, storage containers, baskets or wall shelves and bring some lovely greenery items, candles and small decorative accessories for the final touch.
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